In the book of “Peoples Pa of Burma” by Major Enrequeeze, it was written that Karen descended from Thai-Chinese tribe. In Thai-Chinese group, there are Karen group, Shan group and other smaller groups. The tribes in Karen group are as follows:
1. Karen (who are called exclusively Karen)that are included
2. Sakor Karen
3. Po Karen
4. Taungthu
5. Paku
6. Monepwa
7. Pweh
8. Karen Phyu
9. Padaung
10. Karennni
11. Geku
Sir George Scott said, “Though Taungthu called Pa-oh literature is mainly similar to Karen literature, they are mixed race of Karen, Burman and Shan”.
In February, 1972, Journalist Senhaing of Labor Daily Newspaper described in his articled called “Love and friendliness among one rooted tribes” that according to census in 1924, Pa-oh people were temporarily included in Karen group. It is because in Diarchy ruling Acts, ruling committee members were to be selected according to tribal groups. And Karen population was not big enough to select its deligate that Karen tribal leaders pleaded with Pa-oh to be in them. Thus, Pa-ohs were thought to be Karens.
According to the report of the commission of the researchers about Karen people in 1950, it was decided by the commissioners that though Pa-ohs were originally of Karen tribe, they should not be included in the list of Karen people. They live by themselves in groups and have enough population to be separated by themselves.
In tribal culture and tradition (Karen), it was written that Pa-oh is of Karen descended from Thai-Chinese group.
It is written in Tribal People in Union of Burma by Nyunzon Maung Kyi Han that in Karen clans there are Sakor Karen, Po Karen, Pathu Karen, Monepwa Karen, Pweh Karen, and Pa-oh (Taungthu) Karen.
In U Phay Maung Than’s Chronicle, page 13, the people in Burma who speak Karen language are that second largest after Burmans. They are also in Thailand. Among Karens, Sakor and Po live plains. Among Karens in mountainous areas, Taungthu are the largest. Calling themselves Pa-oh, they live in South Shan and Thatung areas. U Phyu Maung Than called Taungthu to be Taungthan Karen (Karens who live in mountains). According to U Phyu Maung Than, Pa-oh called Taungthu Karen are in Karen group.
In his Ancient Burma Chronicle, Dr. Than Tun wrote that the name Taungthu thought to be Karen related tribe is found in Pagan stone-carved letters. Nowadays, are those who are working on shifting farms on mountainous areas. In one stone-carved letter, the word Karen tamipyawk is found (Burma stone-carved letters, book 3, picture 309, line 34). Currently, Karen speaking people are the secong larges population after Burmese speaking people. In Karen sub-group Sakor and Po live in plains. In Karens living in mountainous areas, Taungthus are the largest in population. Being called Pa-oh, hey live in SouthShanState and Thatung areas in great number.
In 1935, according to Burma Rulung acts, in Karens the announcement of the governor dated May 6, 1936, eleven tribes are described as Karen or Taungthu in chat 3 and 4 of the Acts.
Robert Bill Jone of CornalUniversity did a research on the development of original Karen language ino the different languages in respective areas at present. Robert Jone described the development of Karen language in his dissertation as follows.